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Life of the doctoral school
The Materials doctoral school sets up a series of actions to help doctoral students in their career. It organises events, informs doctoral students and supervisors about training and funding opportunities, and about the professional integration of doctoral students (forums, job offers, etc.). It implements the recruitment of part of the institution's doctoral contracts, participates in the doctoral students' Individual Follow-up Committees, provides doctoral students with documents to monitor their doctoral training and manages the SIGED platform which centralises this information.
In parallel, the administration of the ED is punctuated by the meetings of different bodies: the ED Board, the ED Council and the meetings of the PhD students' office.
In the "News and events" section, you will find all the information related to the assistance that can be provided by different structures, to the events organised by the ED or the Doctoral College of Lyon, to some associations, ... Consult this section regularly in order to stay informed of the next important dates and events of the ED.
Présentation ED 2024-2025
Présentation UDL 2023-2024
2024 Seminar
Back to the ED 34 seminar in Autrans on April 10 and 11, 2024
The photo gallery 2024
2023 Seminar
Back to the ED 34 seminar in Autrans on April 03 and 04, 2023
The photo gallery 2023
2022 Seminar
Back to the ED 34 seminar in Autrans on April 11 and 12, 2022
The photo gallery 2022
Prizes and awards
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L. BURDIN du laboratoire LTDS (Prix Icare)
L. LESAGE du laboratoire MATEIS (Excellent presentation award / Spring meeting of the Japanese Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy)
S. FOURNIER du laboratoire MATEIS (Best PhD presentation award / Sleight Science Event)
D. SAAD du laboratoire INL (Outstanding Poster Award / 6th NANOscientific Forum Europe 2023)
M. DEMETRIO DE MAGALHAES du laboratoire MATEIS (Best Poster Award / 9th European Crystallographic School)
M. NACHBAR du laboratoire IMP (Best Poster Presentation / 85eme Prague Meeting on Macromolecules)
L. JOOSTEN du laboratoire IMP (Prix de la meilleure présentation orale, Royal Society of Chemistry)
P. FAURA from the LTDS laboratory (Peter J. Blau Best Poster Award)
R. HENRY from the MATEIS laboratory (Empreinte / SF2M Prize)
M. LE FALHER from the LTDS laboratory (Best poster award Fatigue design 2021)
L. OLIVIER-LAMARQUE du laboratoire MATEIS (Prix Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher à The 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics)
Q. LEGRAND of the LTDS laboratory (First Prize, GDR 2088 edition 2021, structure section)
M. TOMELLERI du laboratoire ILM (2nd Best Oral Presentation over 37 invited and contributed oral presentations, E\PCOS European Phase-Change and Ovonic Symposium 2021)
C. GARREAU du laboratoire IMP (4th International EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting Best Presentation award)
S. SAHOO du laboratoire INL (Best Oral Presentation, E-MRS fall meet at Warsaw Institute of Technology, Poland, 16th-19th September, 2019)
S. BAYDOUN of the LTDS laboratory (Hirn prize 2021, Best thesis in tribology 2021 of the French Mechanical Association)
O. ANDREIEV du laboratoire INL (Gold VIJI AWARD 2021, the 15TH international symposium on biochromatography and nanoseparations, 17-20 May 2021 France)
Q. XU du laboratoire MATEIS (45th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics conference 2021)
S. BASSET of the LTDS laboratory (GDR 2088 "BIOMIM", France)
S. MONTALVO du laboratoire LTDS (conférence JP2023 - Journée de Printemps de la SF2M)
My thesis in video
The ED council
The ED council, composed of members of the laboratories attached to the ED, external members and doctoral students from the Bureau des doctorants, generally meets between 2 and 4 times a year to plan the use of the annual budget, the training offer, the scientific policy of the ED or to define the recruitment process for certain doctoral contracts.
Minutes of the board
Available on request from the ED secretariat.